Oracle cards
A co-creation by the sacred circle
of the Color of the Soul Ritual
December 2020
These cards are born from a collective of women, explorers of consciousness, alchemists, artists, visionaries, healers, visual poetesses, messengers, lovers, mothers, daughters and sisters, all deeply connected to the voice of their Soul and united by the love for colors and the sacred medicine of Beauty.
They are born from a co-creation, which arose during the first training module of the Color of the Soul Ritual, designed by Marianne Cordier. The Color of the Soul is an integrated, complete and reliable methodology that brings together Art, Psyche, Alchemy and Spirituality in an evolutionary expressive practice that is designed to support people, in groups or individually, to birth themselves and express their gifts and fullest potential.
The creative process of REVELATIONS oracle cards
These cards are the result of our journey of personal and collective awakening, of a resonance between soul sisters, of a reappropriation of our creative energy within a process of profound evolution, aimed at enhancing the ability to listen to our inner world through our intuition.
Each oracle card arises from a ritual and archetypal dimension of the feminine psyche and relates the creative and spiritual awakening of every woman of our circle. Each image is the precious distillation of an alchemical healing that reflects the transformations of each woman and brings back the pathway of her creative process, inspired by a precious blend made of guided meditation, intuitive painting, free dance, power of imagination, contemplation and guidance of the soul.
Soul fragrance of the oracle cards
Each card is unique and carries profound messages: real REVELATIONS, which come from the creative fire of every woman in the circle, the sacred medicine that was given to her and that she offers now to the world and shares with you.
Images alone, with their high frequency, are able to awaken wisdom and inspiration in you.
Together with them you will find a mantra, or a phrase with which you can easily draw on the message of the card, a more in-depth description to contemplate and a practice to support you in manifesting the energy and the message of the oracle in your daily life.
Each card carries with it the seed of awakening, the call of the wisdom of the Soul and from the benevolent Ancestors and acts as a compass to remind us of the path we are called to walk, giving us a starting point and revealing to us what is still hidden and misunderstood within us, giving space to what wants to emerge, awakening us to the mystery of Life and to the power of creativity.
Each card is born from a Transformative Ritual that reconnects to Intuition and offers you the same track: bringing you back home, through the rediscovery and the reintegration of the various parts of your being.
There is no an aesthetic unity between the images, precisely because each card is born from a different mother, with a unique history, influences, origins, genetics and soul. But at the same time, you will bring to light a golden thread that unites every woman in the circle and that connects you to them.
You are invited to appreciate this “diversity within unity” and this “unity within diversity”, precisely because this fragrance of life’s mess and genius contains within itself the spirit of co-creation.
How to use these oracle cards
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath.
Enter your silence.
Make room for resonance.
Be available to receive an illumination, an orientation for you and for your life journey.
Pick up your card.
The colors. The symbols. The shapes. The full and the empty. The words. The visceral energy of painting.
Read the mantra aloud, make it resonate in you.
In your throat, in your heart, in your womb, in the third eye.
Find a quiet moment to contemplate the description.
Savor the words, listen to the silence beyond words.
Devote a sacred time to practice.
Do it several times, until you feel it is yours.
In reality, energy patterns, archetypes, primordial energies emerge from the card.
If you meditate on the symbolism of the card, something will light up in you.
The embodiment practice allows you to receive its energy as a new inner resource and becomes a compass for you.
Offer a thought of gratitude to the mother and messenger of the card that enlightens you today.
Send blessings to her, as she sends them to you through this image.
At another time, come back here to pick up another card.
Maybe this time let yourself be guided by a question.
Connect with the soul of the artist who created this card.
Feel the power of resonance.
We are interconnected. Specular. Resonant.
Mirror yourself in this card and contemplate.
Come back here every day if you want.
And if you appreciate this experience, leave us a small comment below the post.
Because your experience is a gift for our sacred circle,
of which you are now a part.
Show yourself, thank you.
An Art of Transformation and Evolution
Discover the Transformative Power of Creativity and the Creative Power of Transformation
The Color of the Soul Ritual is an integrated methodology conceived in 2008 by Marianne Cordier, Professional Counselor, Art & Spiritual & Intuitive Counselor, Art Therapist of the Soul and visionary Artist, designed to support people, in groups or individually, to birth themselves and awaken their gifts.
The Color of the Soul Ritual is more than an art therapy training, more than a counseling methodology or a self-growth process, as it takes in consideration all the dimensions of being: the emotional, physical and spiritual one within a sacred map. Through the integrated use of different tools such as Intuitive Painting, Meditation, Guided Imagination, Free Dance, Colors and Symbols, it constructs a Transformative Ritual to transmute darkness and fears in alchemical inner healing.
The Creative process of the Color of the Soul Ritual is, as a matter of fact, a potent metaphor for Life, a laboratory for transformation that can dissolve blocks, conditioning and guide you back to a radical freedom of expression and rediscovery of your Soul’s project.
It becomes a Ritual of Initiation to the Discovery of the Soul and of Revelation of one’s own unique path at the service of the world. The purpose of the method is to help us establish an intimate relationship with the Soul through creative energy, in order to discover the Sovereign Co-Creator within us and the wonderful freedom to embody your true essence and to participate more consciously in the Creation itself.
Painting to consciously evolve, to give shape to our inner world, awakening the Inner Alchemist, is the goal of this practice that is aimed at all those who wish to explore their conscience through creativity.
We thank our precious Emy Cianci for her wonderful collaboration, the cards came to life in her hands. I thank all the sacred circle of the Color of the Soul Ritual, those who welcomed this project with enthusiasm and embraced it with an open heart, but also those who could not participate in it, but are still present in this deck.
You are infinitely precious: Alessandra, Alessia, Anna, Antonella B., Antonella E., Cinzia, Cristina, Diana, Eleonora, Elena C., Elena F., Elena U., Elisa C., Elisa M., Elisabetta, Emanuela, Emy, Flavia, Federica, Flora, Graziella A., Graziella M., Laura, Linda, Lucia, Lucilla, Marta, Rebecca, Rosanna, Shakti, Silvia, Stefania, Tania.
Some testimonies from oracular mothers and messengers about their creative process:
“The journey made to get to the oracle card was both devastating and exciting.
It was the descent into hell to return with a new awareness to the Light.”
Silvia C.
“Colors, canvas, meditation … With the Color of the Soul we continue to travel towards our inner oracle. Now let’s share its messages. “
Antonella B.
“A process of vivid and brilliant colors and the awareness of not knowing where that moment would take me and letting my innermost and hidden part paint through me.”
Graziella A.
“I have seen my masks fall into the fire and being transformed, giving space for the freedom to be who I really am. The roots that find fertile ground for a flower to grow. “
Elena C.
“It was like turning on the light and looking at myself for the first time …”
Shakti Pierangela
“The path of creation of the oracle card allowed me to enter the depths of myself to contact the message of the Soul and translate it into colors, images and words. A mysterious and wonderful journey. “
Cinzia A.
“The oracle cards were a revelation, I never thought I’d sail in such deep waters and then raise and touch the stars! I was able to experience how much color, words and sacredness can support and accelerate the alchemical process of evolution … However, I have experienced a truly intoxicating Wonder, with a contagious Joy and a profound inner Peace. I am more and more in love with the painting process of the Color of the Soul Ritual. “
Stefania B.
“I chose the images that looked me straight into my soul, the ones that casually appeared and revealed themselves with sweetness and fluidity. I asked them “Who are you?” And they naturally gave me their messages. “
Alessandra B.
“I chose the images that looked me straight into my soul, the ones that casually appeared and revealed themselves with sweetness and fluidity. I asked them “Who are you?” And they naturally gave me their messages. “
Alessandra B.
“A deep and intense process to pass through the darkness and rediscover the warmth and the peace of the inner light. A journey that showed me the way that can guide me when I feel lost, to turn back to myself “.
Lucia C.
“It was a process of opening up to channeling and to the information that, even without realizing it, I receive every day. It put me in front of a challenge and opened me to my abilities. It put me in front of my desire to bring messages of hope to everyone, to be a messenger, and to feel the love and wisdom that came from the heart.”
Federica A.
“An intense process characterized by two words, clean and transform! A descent into ever deeper layers to connect with my authentic Self. “
Lucilla A.
“It was extraordinary to channel within the group: the card of sister is deeply connected to the card of another or more sister of the group. Together all the cards speak of the various forms of the psyche, of the lower unconscious and the upper unconscious, individual and collective together … of Life within the Human experience!
It’s nice to be around this fire – I wish it would never go out! Thanks to you Marianne, you are a wonderful guide, and thanks to the whole group! “
Eleonora M.
“I couldn’t use anymore the black color that I love so much. Despite the importance of contrasts … no more black. It was a deep listening… a quantum leap and an inner death. It was a coming to a Light without shadows. “